Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Introductory Speech Reflection

Reflecting back on my last week's speech, I personally felt like I could have prepared a bit more. In many ways, the 90-second time limit worked for and against me. I hadn't been too nervous about the assignment. Confession: I had not started brainstorming for the speech until much later because I figured it wouldn't take too long, but when I had actually sat down to plan, I had trouble narrowing down the topics so that I wouldn't go over time. I proceeded to write everything down and from there, decided what I wanted to focus on, which was to talk about my time so far here at USC. I hope I was able to convey everything I had wanted to but know that I stuttered and fumbled with my words during my speech. From this first assignment alone, I've learned the importance in preparing for speeches ahead of time.

This semester, through this class, I really hope I can improve on organizing my thoughts and verbalizing my ideas in a coherent way. I wouldn't really say I'm afraid of speaking in front of people, but because I have trouble "making sense" a lot of the times, I tend to not speak up, when I actually feel like I have a lot to say. So I'd really like to be more confident in not only expressing my ideas but also believing that my words aren't gibberish.

Overall, I enjoyed everyone's speeches and very much look forward to having class with you all!

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