Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Introduciton Speech Reflection

The first speech.  The anticipation has finally come to an end and now, I realize that I have much to work on.  There are many basic techniques that I do not naturally have such as strong eye contact, strength in voice, stamina, and confident body language.  When thinking back on it and finding these flaws in myself I wonder, what did I even do up there?  Nonetheless, what I can take from this experience is that I really can improve and become the best speaker I can be.
When constructing the introduction speech, I did not pre-make notes to follow and everything was by memory.  After much research and observation outside of class, I found this to be my main mistake.  In order to execute a brilliant speech one must prepare to make a brilliant speech.  Nobody can get away from this idea, not even the toastmasters.  In terms of context, I believe I nailed the three topics that I wanted to share with the class.  I shared bits about where I'm from, and what I like to do in hopes they would be easy things to remember; Calvin Dang, the Asian American dancer who plays games.

Although I do not feel I did not deliver a fantastic speech, I believe that I came in with strong ideas from my past experiences such as telling small stories that show who I am rather than just telling them who I am.  I focused on why each factoid was important in hopes of making the speech more interesting and remember able.  If I had rehearsed more seriously such as practicing out loud or having a physical outline I could adjust, I may have been able to calm my amateur nerves.

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