Tuesday, January 27, 2015

First Speech Reflection (Post #1)

At first, I came into the speech with a mild confident attitude. Knowing my speech inside and out after rehearsing to my computer camera multiple times (thanks for always saving me MacBook). But, after several speeches, I realized I could be in trouble.
Their structure were fluid. Their word choice was impeccable. Their speeches were amazing. At that moment, I realized their speeches had something that mine didn't have. They were conversational. This is where I realized I made my first mistake. I was not giving a lecture to a crowd in Carnegie Hall; I was giving a lecture to a group of 18-22 year olds, in a small classroom. With this knowledge in mind, when I came up to the podium to present I turned off my theater boy style of memorization and turned on a style associated with the characteristics of an extemporaneous speech. This last minute swap, I believe helped my speech greatly. However, there is room for a lot of improvement.
Within the first 20 seconds or so of my speech, I was nervous as heck. It took a while for me to finally calm down my nerves. In addition, this made me lose focus of the tempo I planned to use throughout the entirety of my speech. I forgot to add verbal signs as to where the direction of my speech was headed, and also forgot to repeat the information.

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