Friday, January 23, 2015

KarpasD Comm 204 11:00 am Intro Speech Refelction

The first project in Comm 204 turned out to be a great experience. The best way that I can look back on the fun is by talking about the preparation, the challenges, and the surprises.   
In preparation for my introduction speech, I started by typing every fact I knew about myself. It took about 20 minutes to pick the information I wanted in my speech. While writing the first draft, I decided on dividing my intro speech in background, hobbies, and fun facts. To me this would give an accurate self portrait in the short time that I had. One of my favorite aspects of my speech was its organization. There were, though, many difficulties.
Though making an introduction speech was quite easy, there were certain challenges. The main difficulty I faced was picking what I wanted to say. Having only 90 seconds, I wanted to give to the audience the best idea of me that I could. To do this, I had to leave my life stories at the door and share only the most relevant material. To my astonishment, some classmates did the exact opposite.  
To my surprise, many of the speeches in the class differed from mine. Instead of listing attributes, several students chose to spend their 90 seconds sharing anecdotes. Getting her foot smashed by a car, one girl chose to tell about her life in a different kind of way. This was an approach I thought of doing, but I couldn’t think of a cool enough story.
Like I said this was a fun experience and I’m looking forward to more projects like this one!  

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