Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Intro Speech Reflection

I think that, overall, today's speeches all went very well. Everyone was very enthusiastic and engaging while speaking.

For me personally, preparation for this speech was fairly easy. It took a little bit of time to think about which details of my life would seem most interesting to my peers, but because I've been playing so many fun fact games lately it was pretty quick. I felt that the facts I ended up including were unique and told my life story in a fun way.

Because I volunteered to go first, I wasn't as nervous as I would have been had I been waiting in the audience first. I usually prefer to go first and get my presentation over-with with any class/project. I especially wanted to go first for this speech because I am sick and don't feel my best, so I was a little more nervous to present in front of a classroom of people.

I feel that I did very well with even eye contact and timing. Because I practiced my speech beforehand with a timer, I knew that I was within the 60-90 second timeframe.

One thing that I could definitely work on is saying "um" less while speaking. Getting rid of those filler words will make me come across as more confident, which is something that I hope to improve on during this course.  

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