Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reflection on Intro Speech

Preparing for the introductory speech was easy because all I had to do was pick a hobby or an interesting fact about me and talk about it. It was also easy because it didn't require any research or memorization for that matter since it was something that came from inside as opposed to a current event or something like that. But actually doing it was harder than expected because one minute is much less than I thought.
I chose to talk about the cultural differences between USA and Brazil because that is something that affected me a lot when I came here and it also made me grow as a person as I was faced with cultural challenges.  This speech taught me that breathing is very important during the speech and something I need to work on next time.
First, I couldn't seem to get rid of irrelevant or not-so-important details about what I was talking about to get it down to one minute. It was hard to choose which information was more important for the audience that didn't know me at all. Therefore this is definitely something I need to work on so I don't loose points for going over the time limit due to details that sometimes make the speech too complicated or long. I need to understand that its better to choose one or two key points and inform only the necessary details about them.
I don't have a problem asking questions or saying stuff in class but I get nervous when I have to go to the front of the class to talk. For a second I blanked and forgot what I was talking about and I also tend to speak faster, so I need to learn how to pace myself. Therefore I need to work on my nervousness  jitters for the next speech since its gonna be much longer and on a topic that needs much more preparation.
Overall the speech went well but here's some stuff I need to work on for the next one to be even better. 

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