Friday, September 12, 2014

Introductory Speech Reflection

I really enjoyed the introductory speech for many different reasons. First, I thought it was interesting to learn about all of my fellow classmates and their passions and backgrounds. Seeing everyone speak and learning a little bit more about who is in my class has made me feel more comfortable in the classroom. In addition, I liked the introductory speech because it gave me a taste of what to expect for the rest of the year. I wasn't sure how I would feel being in a public speaking class, but now have realized that I am excited for this opportunity to grow and be more comfortable in front of an audience.

This topic was actually challenging for me. It was hard to decide what aspects of myself I wanted to share with the rest of the class. After some debate, I decided to discuss my summer. I think one of the most challenging aspects of this course will be to pick a topic I'm passionate about. Once I figure out my topics I think the rest will be easier.

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