Sunday, September 7, 2014

Intro Speech - Robin Hansel

Picking out items from my life to talk about was harder than I expected. Obviously I know myself pretty well, and summarizing 21-years of life in 60 seconds seems inadequate. However, there isn't a lot of information that is really that interesting to those who don't know me. I tried to relate it to the class and talk about USC and how I ended up there, but I am looking forward to other speeches as a chance to discuss a more interesting topic.

My speech ended up being less than a minute. I believe this is for two reasons. The first is simply that I talk fast when I'm nervous. The second reason, however, is that I believe I actually became more clear and concise. This may mean I need to practice more to get to that point before I give the speech in class, but it may also mean that a little pressure helps me to perform and stay focused.

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