Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Intro Speech Reflection - Jo

Overall, the introduction speech was pretty fun to prepare. It's an easy and fun topic. The speech was meaningful to me, because it allowed me to share with others what I wanted them to know about me. Since I had to write an introduction paper for another class, I based my speech off of that. However, I needed to shorten the length greatly for the speech to be under 90 seconds. 

One challenge that I faced while practicing for the speech was fitting it under 90 seconds but over one minute. It's pretty easy for me either be just above 90 seconds or just below a minute. 

During the actual speech, I got pretty nervous. I tried to calm down before the starting the speech, but I got nervous anyways. Next time, I need to remind myself to take breaths before moving on to the next sentence and to slow down. I could have also worked a bit more on the organization of my speech. I liked how Summer used a hook to draw in her listeners and then stated the three main points she wanted to focus on. 

As for what I did well, I think I was able to make pretty good eye contact and not look down on my notecard too much. I was also glad that I didn't memorize my speech word for word--which is what I normally do.

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