Saturday, September 20, 2014

Introduction Reflection Blog

I know many people find public speaking very intimidating but I am very comfortable speaking in front of groups. However, when I went up to speak, I found myself more nervous that I anticipated. I think part of the reason that I am more nervous in front of this group in particular is that there are plenty of familiar faces for me in the class and I am used to speaking/performing in front of complete strangers.  Because I was more nervous than I anticipated, I think I talked much faster and finished my speech too quickly. The content of this speech was much easier than any other speech I've given considering it was just telling the class a little about myself which obviously involves no memorization.
On my next speech, I think I will practice in my room with a timer beforehand. I think another thing I have to work on is my body language because I feel like I either forget to use my hands at all or I wave them around too much. I think a good idea would be to practice in front of a mirror to make sure my body language looks natural. Also, I think I will have more direction on what to talk about in my next speech rather than having to think about what the class would find interesting about me.

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