Thursday, September 18, 2014

Introduction Speech

I really enjoyed creating and delivering my introduction speech. Through this process I learned how little time one minute is to introduce yourself. When I was creating my speech and deciding what I had time to talk about, I realized that I was going to have to an extreme abridged version of my life story and what I felt was important for the class to really get to know me. I really like giving this introduction speech because I felt it was a good speech to start off with considering the thing you know best in this world is yourself. This made it very easy to know what to talk about because even if you forgot exactly what you wanted to say, there are so many things that you know that you can talk about. My speech topic was important to me because in order to know me I felt that the class needed to know a little bit about my life and what is important to me with in my life like my family and friends.

I felt that I did a decent job on the delivery of my speech but I also feel like I have a lot of improvements that can be made. I did know what I was saying and thought by going in chronological order it kept my speech organized, which were both positive things. But I felt like I should have started with an introduction of what I was going to touch on and also had a conclusion that would wrap everything up and tie everything together. Another thing I felt like I could have improved on was the speed that I was talking at. I felt like I did get a little nervous so I did speed up my talking rate. But all and all this was a good way to start off my experience with this public speaking class.

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