Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Introduction Speech

Preparing my Introduction Speech was not very difficult, if I'm being honest. It was a great topic to talk about because it was something I was completely knowledgeable about. That's half the battle in preparing a speech so it was easy to brainstorm what I would be sharing with my classmates. In preparing, I also made sure to pay attention to how soft or loud I was speaking. I didn't want to put people to sleep so I made sure to make my speech as energetic sounding as possible. Repeating the speech over and over again while I prepared made it easy to determine when I should raise my voice to catch my classmate's attention.

I think I could have worked on the organization of my speech a little more but overall I'm happy with how it turned out and I think the audience learned a great deal about me and definitely what is most important about me (that I love animals and my job). I learned that it's important to make a connection with the audience in one way or another, in order to keep them interested in the topic. This speech topic was important to me because it was the first time I was telling my classmates about what's most valuable to me and why.

I think I delivered well and that I was within the 60-90 second time frame that we had to stay within. I also think I did a good job keeping the audience's attention the entire time and refrained from using "um" and "like". Overall, my one suggestion I'd have for myself is to make more eye contact with the audience. I found myself wanting to look at the professor most of the time and tried to remind myself to scan the room instead. I really liked this assignment and I'm looking forward to seeing how I adapt to some of the longer speeches we get to do later on in the semester!

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