Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Introduction Speech Reflection

When it comes to public speaking I’ve always found that there is something specific about standing in front of a group of people and talking that brings me comfort. I can’t lie and say that I get extremely nervous and/or I have stage fright. What is important to note however is that I also can’t lie and say that I am extremely calm, cool, and relaxed. The introductory speech that I gave in class was one of the first times in a while that I stood in front of an audience and had to give a speech. Although the speech was extremely short and it was in regards to myself, something I’m comfortable talking about, I found myself feeling a bit nervous and rushing through my words a bit.

Standing in front of an audience at times you might feel like you’re doing a great job when in reality the audience might feel the opposite. In order for me to be able to fully evaluate myself, I had one of my classmates record me while I was giving my speech so that I can improve better. One thing that I do feel as if I did right was the fact that I made great eye contact with the class and tried to engage them into what I was saying. A habit that I usually have when speaking is that I speak a lot with my hands and at times hold my hands in an awkward position, which translates over to the audience as me not being confident.  I need to definitely work on my posture because these are all things that will either increase or decrease audience’s engagement with my speech.

I must say that this was one of the easier speeches for me not only because it was about myself but also because I’ve had such a busy year that I had a lot of information to pick from in regards to my speech. With that being said, however I need to be careful to not ramble and transition from idea to idea smoothly. Overall I am well aware that I have a lot to learn from this course but as of where I currently stand I must say it’s a good starting point.

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