Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Intro Speech Reflection

I enjoyed the introduction speech very much. I found writing the speech easier than most speeches I have written before because the topic was speaking about myself and there was no research necessary. With not many friends in the class, I saw it as an opportunity to introduce myself to everyone for the first time and to allow them to get to know who I am. I tried to include the most important things about my life including my background and goals, while keeping it interesting and engaging for the audience.

Delivering the speech was different from how I imagined. Going later than most students, I began to get anxious to deliver it and felt that my content wasn't as good as some of the prior students. I told myself to speak slowly and maintain focus while giving my speech. I realized about halfway through my speech that I hadn't been using my hands and that I had consistently began to speak faster and faster. Being wary of these things will definitely help me going forward to be a better speaker and know how to cater to my audience.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your speech, Troy! When the adrenaline gets going, it's easy to keep speeding up. Being conscientious of this will help in the future!
