Sunday, September 7, 2014

Intro Speech

      In the introductory speech I learned that it was much easier to prepare for this speech because all I had to do was to talk about myself. I did not have to go to any other sources other than myself. I also chose to speak about my journey of doing very nontraditional sports to paint a picture of who I am. I felt that it was an appropriate topic because it taught so much about myself. It is also a very big part of my life, so I chose to talk about that in this speech.

     I felt like the bullet points for my speech were good. I kept the phrases short and concise. I didn't write long sentences which I wanted to do in the beginning. I felt pretty good about my speech the night before. However, when it was time for me to actually speak in front of my class, I froze up. I felt that I did not take my time with each topic, and I also felt like I just sped through most of my points. I definitely need to work on slowing down and not rushing through the topics. I also need to work on being more relaxed. I felt very tense while I was up there. I also felt like I was under one minute which was not what I wanted.

     Overall, I enjoyed this speech, but I wish I wasn't so nervous. I also really enjoyed hearing everyone's speech. I liked learning about my classmates and how they chose to talk about themselves. I hope to learn more about everyone as the semester goes on.

Julia Tseng

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